Monday, November 14, 2011

Being a Single Mother

I have recently found myself in a new category; instead of marking "married" on an application, I now  mark "single" or "divorced". It isn't by my choosing either.  I now face challenges I never knew existed!  If you are a single mother juggling children, career and chaos you know what I speak of!!  My hat is off to single mothers everywhere; you are my heroes!    

One word sums up how I feel: Exhausted!

I have four children ranging from 14 years down to 11 months old.  You can't tell me I am "Lazy"!  My whole life revolves around them! They are the reason for waking up each morning.  They are the reason for laying down to sleep at night. But I have no one taking care of Me. I am doing all the care-taking and giving.  My "payday" isn't every two weeks, sometimes my "payday" doesn't come for a month or even years. 

 Being a single mother = ups and downs,  tears of joy and sorrow,  lonely days and especially nights, headaches and back pains, and, of course, a lot of LAUGHS!  You've got to find the humor in the mix of it all. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why I say, "Find your beach"

find your beach means: find your inner peace.  we are all in search of peace of mind and      tranquility. how we cope with what the world trows at us shows our true character. "the beach" inside each of us is where we turn in times of trouble.

I love the beach because it is relaxing. i saw a saying once that ended in this quote, "may you always have sand between your toes." 
I love it!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Why I say, "Embrace the Moment"

embrace the moment is how i have managed to cope with all the stress and misfortune that has happened recently in my life. you might call it "a series of  unfortunate events" like the books by limony snicket.

those who are close to me know of the "misfortunes" i have been faced with this year. i am now looking forward to a new year and a new beginning with just me and my kids.

there is one fortune i was blessed with, and that was the birth of my beautiful daughter Love. she has kept me going and has made life worth living.  (of course, all my children do that for me)

Why I say embrace the moment is simply this:  we must not only have a To Do list, we must also have a To Be list.